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Baking things

Baking things

I’ve been doing some baking today with my mummy. We made some gingerbread animals and I had a great time.           This is what I used to make the animal shapes with.               I’m not sure about whether I like them or not…but the grown-ups did!...
Happy Elf

Happy Elf

It was my nativity play today at pre-school…I was an elf. As you can see I wasn’t overly enamoured with the whole idea…but I guess you have to do these things to keep the grown-ups happy. *sigh* My name is Joseph, why couldn’t I be Joseph? He...
It rained…

It rained…

…again today. But never fear, I have a new umbrella! It’s great; I’ve been playing out in the garden with it lots. In fact, I became rather upset when I had to come in. Mummy and Daddy just don’t...
It’s May already!

It’s May already!

I can’t believe how quickly this year has gone…it’s already May! (Although you wouldn’t think it judging by the weather we’re having…) I’ve been playing lots in the garden; have a look at some of my photo’s below....